Angelica Root
Angelica Root Tea Organic 100g
Angelica root (Angelica Archangelica) is a deciduous perennial that can grow up to 3 metres high. The plant is found in cool parts of the northern hemisphere and there in wet places such as banks or damp meadows. Other names...
8,79 €
Tormentil Root Tea (Bloodroot) cut Organic 100g
Tormentil root, also known as bloodroot, was chosen as medicinal plant of the year in 2024. It is widespread throughout Europe. Its use and effects have been known for centuries. Botanically, the plant belongs to the rose family. Bloodroot is...
8,89 €
Moringa Tea Organic 100g
The Biotiva Moringa leaves are carefully harvested by hand. The leaves are then dried in the shade at temperatures between 35 and 40 degrees Celsius. Moringa is also called the tree of life in India. Moringa tea tastes similar to...
6,99 €
Horehound Tea Organic 100g
Horehound is a medicinal plant that has been known for centuries. Its botanical name is Marrubium vulgare L. It originally comes from the Mediterranean region. Today, however, it is also native to our Central European latitudes. Horehound contains, among other...
7,99 €
The angelica plant (Angelica Archangelica) is also called medicinal angelica or true angelica and is a deciduous perennial that can grow up to 3 metres high. The plant is found in the cool parts of the northern hemisphere and mainly on river banks or in damp meadows. Angelica has a pleasant aromatic smell and a sweet taste. The angelica root is used for teas and hot drinks.